


Organiser. Raffle rules


The BRING THE SHOW TO LIFE raffle (hereinafter referred to as the “Raffle”) is organised and conducted by Amusnet Interactive Ltd., Unified Identification Code 203773449, with seat and registered address at Garitage Park, Building No. 4, Floor 2, 2 Donka Ushlinova Str., Sofia 1766, Bulgaria, hereinafter referred to as “Amusnet Interactive” or “Organiser” for short.


These Rules for conducting the Raffle govern the conditions for conducting the raffle; requirements for participants, registration and conditions of participation; method of determining and disclosing the winning participants; the order of awarding the prizes to the winning participants; the protection of personal data provided by participants, as well as all other issues related to the conduct of the Raffle.


Rules will be publicly announced and will be available for the entire period of the Raffle at the following email address: Amusnet Interactive has the right, at its own discretion, to amend and/or supplement these Rules, with the changes coming into effect immediately upon their publication at the email address specified above.


These Rules are mandatory and binding on all participants in the Raffle. By completing the process of registration for participation, the registered participant declares and confirms that he has read these Rules and agrees with them.


An integral part of these Rules is also the Notice for the protection of personal data of the participants in the Raffle.


Raffle subject


In accordance with the present Rules for conducting the Raffle, Amusnet Interactive awards one participant with the following prize: Kindle Paperwhite.


Prizes in the Raffle are secured and provided by Amusnet Interactive completely free of charge. Registration and participation in the Raffle are not tied to the purchase of goods and/or services


Prizes cannot be exchanged for their cash equivalent or other items.


Period and location of the raffle


The raffle is held on 20 and 21 September 2023 within the SBC Summit Barcelona 2023 exhibition, which takes place in the city of Barcelona, Fira Barcelona Montjuïc, Av. Reina Mª Cristina. Amusnet Interactive is a participant in the exhibition, and the Raffle is held independently of the event organizer.


Right to participate in the raffle


Participant in the Raffle can be any natural person over the age of 18 (eighteen) who has registered for participation under the terms and conditions provided for in these Rules.


Participation in the Raffle is completely voluntary and free of charge for the participants.


Employees or legal representatives of Amusnet Interactive, as well as their spouses, direct relatives without limitation and collateral up to the 2nd degree, are not allowed to take part in the Raffle.


Participation in the raffle


Participant in the Raffle is any natural person who meets the condition under item 4.1., is not a person under item 4.3 and who has registered and fulfilled the requirements according to the terms and conditions specified in these Rules.


The person who wishes to register to participate in the Raffle provides Amusnet Interactive with the following data necessary for registration:
name and surname
electronic mail (e-mail)


To participate in the raffle, the person should 1) fill out in person at the relevant booth of Amusnet Interactive an online participation form entering the data specified in item 5.2. and give her/his consent to participate in the Raffle by clicking the “I Agree” button, and 2) share the video that has been recorded on her/his Instagram account profile as a reel or post and tag @amusnet_int.


Determination and announcement of the raffle winner.


The determination of a winner will be made by drawing among all people who shared their recorded video on their Instagram account tagging @amusnet_int and filled in a participation form. The draw will take place at the end of the day on 20 and 21 September. Each drawing for a winning entrant will be conducted automatically through the use of software that randomly selects the winning entrant.


The winning participant/s will be publicly announced on the Instagram account of Amusnet Interactive: at 17.00 CET on 20 and 21 September.


The raffle is held independently from Instagram and Facebook and it is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with the social media platforms.


After drawing the winner, in accordance with item 6.1, Amusnet Interactive may draw one or more reserve winners. In the order in which each reserve winner is drawn, she/he may replace a winner in the cases provided for in these Rules.


Receiving a reward. Method, term and conditions of receipt


A representative of Amusnet Interactive will contact the winning participant(s) on Instagram to notify him/her of winning the prize and how to receive it.


The prizes will be distributed to the winners at the Amusnet Interactive booth during the next business day after the winner is announced. Exceptionally, after the winner is drawn at 17.00 CET on 21 September, she/he should collect the prize at the booth of Amusnet Interactive the same day by 18.30 at the latest.


Upon receipt of the prize, the winning participant must submit a valid identity document for verification by Amusnet Interactive in order to establish his identity. Amusnet Interactive immediately returns the identity document after the verification, and the company does not store the provided identity document on paper or electronic media.


To certify the delivery of the prize, Amusnet Interactive and the winning participant sign a handover protocol.


In the event that the winning participant:

  • does not show up within the above-mentioned period to receive his prize in person, and/or
  • does not respond within 2 hours after having been contacted by the Amusnet team
  • refuses to provide identification, and/or
  • refuses to sign a handover protocol for receiving the prize. then in any of the above cases, Amusnet Interactive may refuse to award the prize to the winning entrant and, accordingly, if it decides, to proceed with awarding the prize to an alternate winner. For the avoidance of doubt, the winning entrant agrees that in the cases referred to in clause 7.5 the winning entrant forfeits the right to receive the prize.


When awarding the prize to a reserve-winning participant, the requirements and procedure under item 7 apply.


Responsibility of the raffle organiser


Amusnet Interactive is not responsible for unclaimed prizes when this is due to the following circumstances:

  • the prize cannot be received or awarded due to the impossibility of finding (making contact with) a winning participant;
  • in the cases under item 7.5 of these Rules;
  • in case of impossibility to grant the prize due to force majeure circumstances or legal restrictions


Amusnet Interactive is not responsible in cases of impossibility of registration and participation in the Raffle due to the occurrence of circumstances beyond its control – cases of force majeure, random events, problems in the global Internet network or technical problems.


Amusnet Interactive is not responsible for the consequences of providing incorrect data for participation in the raffle or for receiving or using the prize.


The organiser is not responsible for the quality and safety of the prizes, if the latter are produced or provided by third parties, and is not responsible for defects or technical malfunctions in the prize that occurred after it was handed over to the winning participant.


For the avoidance of doubt, registered participants agree that Amusnet Interactive has the right to unilaterally terminate the raffle at any time by announcing it on the official Instagram profile of the company:, in other social networks or through other communication channels chosen by Amusnet Interactive, in the event that it detects abuses, violations of the rules or if other circumstances occur that require termination of the Raffle. Upon termination of the Raffle, Amusnet Interactive does not owe compensation or penalties to registered participants.


Amusnet Interactive reserves the right to take all necessary measures and actions in case of fraud or attempted fraud, which may reflect negatively on the company’s reputation and commercial image. Any attempt at fraud and/or illegal actions will lead to disqualification of the participant, of which the latter will be notified by Amusnet Interactive with a message sent to the provided e-mail address.